Triple H Ranch & Therapeutic Horsemanship
LLC and/or Foundation, Inc.
Milton, WI

​Volunteering at Triple H Ranch is rewarding, educational & fun! Just two hours a week can positively impact the life of one of our lesson students. We always have a wait list of students that would love to start therapeutic riding! We just need YOU! Unsure where you might fit in? Let's chat!
Currently, we have four areas of need:
Horse Leading (horse experience required)
Side Walking (horse experience preferred, but will train)
Special Events (open house, field trips, scouts, etc)
Fix-it projects around the barn & land, organizing & cleaning
Below you will find our fillable volunteer form. Upon completing the form, it will be copied back to you & to Triple H Ranch! Background checks are required for volunteers 18 & over. Training is provided and ongoing education & opportunities are offered throughout the year!

Things you need to know:
minimum age to volunteer for horse camps is 12
minimum age to volunteer for therapeutic & community programs is 15 (some exceptions may be made based on experience)
moderate physical activity & working outside are part of volunteering in equine activities
when you commit to volunteer for lessons/camps please arrive 15-20 minutes early
Our students & horses thrive on consistency. They will get attached to their human leader & horse. You will become a team.
If you need to cancel please give 24 hours notice when possible so a replacement can be found
We're looking forward to a great crew of volunteers becoming a part of our ranch family!


New Volunteer Checklist #3
Please watch all EIGHT of the short videos in this series. They will play one after the other below.